For the Dough
2 cups All Purpose Flour
pinch of Salt
2 tbsp Butter
1 Egg
1 tbsp Vinegar
½ cup Water
Step 1
For the Dough
Step 1
To make the dough, combine flour, salt, and butter in a bowl. Use your fingers to break up the butter into the flour. Add your egg, vinegar, and water. Mix then knead for 2 minutes until everything is combined. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
Step 2
Flour your work surface, place your dough down and roll thin. If it sticks to your rolling pin or work surface just add more flour. After rolled, cut out 2 rectangles however big you want your pastel to be. Lay your slice or slices of mozzarella on one rectangle. Rub the edges with a little water and lay the other rectangle on top. Cut off excess dough and crimp edges with a fork.
Step 3
Re-roll your remaining dough to make more.
Step 4
Fry in 350-degree Fahrenheit oil until golden (a few minutes a side).
Step 5
Salt after removing from oil and ENJOY